A blog from the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council and the Hawthorne Area in North Minneapolis, Minnesota!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
No Business Committee Meeting for December
Thursday, December 06, 2007
December Hawthorne Huddle A Success
The December Hawthorne Huddle was a warm and wonderful success and an excellent way for community members, non-profit organizations, schools and the city to begin closing the year. Over fifty people from across the Hawthorne Neighborhood and North Minneapolis were in attendance and enjoyed a warm, nutritious hot breakfast and heard reports about the positive progress we've achieved in the last 12 months.
This month's Hawthorne Huddle begin with a wonderful welcome by Ellen Luger, Executive Director of the General Mills Foundation, one of the major supporters and organizers of the monthly Hawthorne Huddle.
Among the highlights of Inspector Mike Martin's Safety Update is that crime in North Minneapolis IS going down, particularly in those areas Hawthorne residents have been concerned the most with, including robberies and violent crimes.
City Council Member Diane Hofstede presented an abbreviated version of the 2007 Third Ward report. Among the highlights was addressing over 155 problem properties in the CARE/Problem Properties Committee, and the closing of Wafana's/4 U Foods (2326 Lyndale Avenue No.) after 900 police calls in one year and the expense of over $500,000 of city resources.
The introduction of a new Third Ward Newsletter was announced, and praise for the EcoVillage project to create environmentally friendly, economically and ecologically sound housing in the Hawthorne neighborhood, and news of the pending Dangerous Animal Ordinance and the future steps of the West Broadway Alive! effort to revitalize North Minneapolis.
Wi-Fi will be coming to Minneapolis soon, and will serve as a national model for other cities implementing wireless services to give all residents access to key technology to improve their lives. A new YWCA and fitness complex will be coming to 800 West Broadway & Aldrich thanks to a $50 Million dollar investment.
The vision for the future includes many ideas including the active solicitation of new businesses and expansion of existing businesses that provide living wage jobs, and to agressively deal with foreclosures, problem properties and youth violence.
City Council Member Diane Hofstede closed her presentation with a powerful quote from Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Sherman Patterson, the Public Safety Policy Aide from the City of Minneapolis Mayor's Office also provided encouraging news and praise for the efforts of everyone who has contributed to the success of the Hawthorne neighborhood.
City Council Member Don Samuels gave a rousing speech on the need to send our officials a message and to stay involved in community work, and the importance of working for change.
Mark Stenglein, the Hennepin County Commissioner also spoke at length about significant new developments emerging that will benefit North Minneapolis, including the new investment in the merger between the Hennepin County Library and the Minneapolis Public Library that will bring bigger benefits for everyone and keep our libraries open while creating one of the biggest library systems in the nation.
The next Hawthorne Huddle will not be in the first Thursday of the month but temporarily shifted to the second Thursday of January 10th, 2008, once again at Farview Park at 7:30 AM. We look forward to seeing you there as we discuss even more exciting plans for the future.
The Hawthorne Huddle meets monthly and is open to all members of the public who are interested in working together to build a stronger community.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Baskets Of Hope For December
Baskets of Hope provides holiday food packages at no cost to families in need. Each basket is filled with traditional holiday foods such as ham, fruits, bread, vegetables, fresh potatoes, gravy and a frozen fruit pie that serves 6-8 people.
• Participants can register online at our website: www.emergencyfoodshelf.org. Registration is online only. Participants may visit their local library, community center or foodshelf to access the website.
• Registration will not be taken by phone or in person. For more information regarding registration, call our automated line at 763-450-3892. Information and registration is available in English and Spanish.
• Participants can register only once for the program. Registrations are processed through a duplicate screening system. Attempts to register for multiple packages will not be honored.
• Registration begins for the December distribution on December 3rd. Registration is first come, first serve as the number of baskets are limited.
• Participants will chose a date and time to pick-up their package during the registration process. Baskets will be distributed at: The Emergency Foodshelf Network 8501 54th Avenue North New Hope, MN 55428
• Pick-up dates are: Friday, December 14, 10:00am-6:00pm and Saturday, Decemberr 15, 10:00am-6:00pm Participants must come during their scheduled pick-up time. Once scheduled, the pick-up time and date cannot be changed.
• Participants must present a valid photo ID along with a utility bill dated within the past 30 days at the time of pick-up.
• EFN reserves the right to refuse service to participants that display disorderly conduct or are under the influence.
Mortgage Questions Answered In Free Workshops 12/11, 12/13
The McKinley Community and Emerging Markets Mortgage Initiative
(EMMI) Group are partnering to help any resident of McKinley and all
of North Minneapolis with questions about mortgages at a free
Mortgage Drop-in Center. EMMI is a non-profit company that can
answer all of those questions like:
• I want to buy a home but where do I start?
• I am three months behind on my mortgage payment, what can I do to
stop foreclosure?!
• I have an ARM loan that is ready to adjust, can I get help?
EMMI will be at the Center for Families (3333 North 4th Street) on
December 11th and 13th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. both days to talk
to anyone who stops by with a mortgage related question.
All information discussed is private and help will only be provided to
those who ask. Call 612.668.2286 for more information, or RSVP.
If you want to discuss your current mortgage you should bring your
mortgage documents.
Hawthorne Huddle This Week!
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. In keeping with the celebratory spirit, we will be enjoying a delicious hot breakfast at this special Huddle. We hope you can attend to help celebrate the work that continues to make a difference in the lives of residents of the North Side.
WELCOME Ellen Luger
SAFETY UPDATE Inspector Mike Martin, MPD 4th Precinct
Diane Hofstede, Minneapolis City Council Member
Sherman Patterson, Public Safety Policy Aide, Office of the Mayor, City of Minneapolis
Don Samuels, Minneapolis City Council Member
Mark Stenglein, Hennepin County Commissioner
Monday, November 26, 2007
STEP-UP Applications Now Available!
STEP-UP is a paid, summer jobs program for Minneapolis youth. STEP-UP for 14-15-year-olds, operated by the Minneapolis Employment and Training Program, teaches students good work habits and provides them with wages and an opportunity to contribute to a local community based organization.
STEP-UP for 16-21-year-olds, operated by Achieve!Minneapolis, provides youth with paid positions with local employers and teaches them the skills they need to succeed on the job.
STEP-UP for 14-15 year olds
A nine-week, paid summer jobs program for low-income Minneapolis youth.
· Work 30 hours a week from mid-June to mid-August.
· Earn $6 per hour at a job such as a landscaper, tutor, childcare
worker, computer intern, clerical assistant, peer educator, camp counselor or maintenance worker.
· Earn high school credit by attending C.L.A.S.S.
· Take part in a business mentoring program or spend a week, for
free, at a multi-cultural camp called Camp Sunrise.
· Learn new skills on the job.
· Provide valuable services at a local public or non-profit agency.
How to apply:
· The application deadline for STEP-UP for 14-15 year olds is Jan.
11, 2008.
Download an application here:
Applications are also available at:
Achieve! Career and College Centers in the MPLS public high schools; The South Workforce Center at 777 E. Lake St.; or The North Workforce Center at 1200 Plymouth Ave. N.
Complete every section of the application and return it to:
Achieve! Career and College Centers in the Minneapolis public high schools;
The South Workforce Center at 777 E. Lake St.;
The North Workforce Center at 1200 Plymouth Ave. N.; OR mail it to: Attn: STEP-UP Program, Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development, 777 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407
For more information call Xuong Tran at 612-673-6231 or Anne Fischer at 612-673-6221.
Step Up For 16-21 Year Olds
A six- to 10-week paid summer jobs program for Minneapolis youth.
· Work full-time or part-time (20-40 hours per week) from mid-June
through August.
· Earn $7 to more than $10 per hour in a field that interests you:
business, health care, creative arts and many other areas.
· Explore career interests and gain job skills in a professional
· Make future connections at top Minneapolis employers.
How to apply:
· The application deadline for STEP-UP for 16-21 year olds is Jan.
11, 2008.
· Applications are available for download at:
http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/metp/docs/stepup_app_16.pdf and at http://www.achieveminneapolis.org/programs/stepUp.html
· Visit an Achieve! Career & College Center in a Minneapolis public
high school to pick up an application.
· Call Achieve!Minneapolis to request an application by mail at
(612) 455-1563.
· Complete every section of the application and return it to an
Achieve! Career and College Center in a MPLS public high school, or mail it to: Achieve!Minneapolis/STEP-UP, 111 Third Avenue S. Suite 5, Minneapolis, MN 55401
For more information call or email Jennifer Petersen at Achieve!
Minneapolis at 612-455-1563.
Great Streets Facade Improvement Program Request For Comments
Great Streets focuses on areas of the City that have been identified in The Minneapolis Plan and other land use policy documents as places where the City supports commercial activity and development. These areas include 11 commercial corridors, 45 neighborhood commercial nodes, 5 downtown neighborhood business districts, and 7 Hiawatha LRT station areas.
The Great Streets façade improvement matching grant program seeks to (1) stimulate visible investment, (2) create healthy and attractive neighborhood business districts, (3) enhance the sense of place, and (4) provide a tool for assisting the administrative organizations in developing collaborative relationships with businesses in their service area.
Individual not-for-profit organizations will implement and administer the façade improvement grant program in their communities, on behalf of the City of Minneapolis. The organizations selected through this RFP process will provide matching grants to businesses and commercial property owners as reimbursement for exterior storefront improvements.
Façade improvement program funding is through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The draft RFP is available for interested party review at http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cped/facade_home.asp. Please provide comments by December 31, 2007 to Rebecca Brown at rebecca.brown@ci.minneapolis.mn.us
Monday, November 12, 2007
Crime And Safety Meeting: 11/12 at 7pm
Monday, November 05, 2007
HACC Board of Directors Meeting: November 8
There will be a meeting of the Hawthorne Area Community Council Board of Directors on Thursday, July 12th at Farview Park from 7pm to 9pm. It is open to the public.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Journey Towards A New North: November 10th
The Northside Marketing Task Force is inviting you to celebrate the positive side of North Minneapolis as they unveil the area's NEW image and marketing plan!
From 3:00-5:00 PM, including the election of the new Northside Markting Taskforce Board. Appetizers and food provided, it's an excellent opportunity to celebrate with neighbors and friends!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Hawthorne Annual Dinner 2007
The Hawthorne Annual Dinner was a great success this year as over 60 members of the community came to recognize and celebrate the achievements in the Hawthorne neighborhood.
Dr. Whitney Harris gave an outstanding speech and presentation on the importance of diversity in the building of community, and there was live entertainment and great food throughout the evening.
The Hawthorne Area Community Council Board elections went well, and we welcome Dorothy Bridges and Mitchell Anderson to the board of directors. Both bring exceptional experience to the organization and we look forward to their input as well as continued input from all of our residents and community stakeholders in the coming years ahead.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Oasis of Love 10/27 Mother Daughter Vintage Fashion Show and Fundraiser
The event will take place at Holding Forth the Word of Life Church, located 2029 West Broadway, Minneapolis MN 55411 .
Oasis of Love is a non profit agency in North Minneapolis that provides advocacy, support groups and basic needs to families who have experience domestic violence.
Cost of the event is $10 for adults, $2 for children, with all proceeds used to help women start a new life free from violence.
Donations of professional clothing to be given to women in need of job interview and school attire will also be appreciated.
For more information, please contact Susanne at Oasis of Love Inc, 612-529-6055
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Hawthorne Business Facade Improvement Funds Available!
If you're a Hawthorne area based business, you can download the application here : http://www.hawthornecommunity.org/facaderfp07.doc
It's a great opportunity! The deadline is 5:00PM, November 1st, 2007.
Monday, October 08, 2007
4th Annual Peace Ball This Saturday
3rd Ward Summit This Saturday!
EMERGE Hiring Fair for Aldis: 10/10-10/12
Applications and pre-screenings for ALDIFoods positions will be conducted by Emerge Workforce staff on the following dates/times:
October 10, 2007 1:00 p.m.
October 11, 2007 9:00 a.m.
October 11, 2007 1:00 p.m
October 12, 2007 9:00 a.m.
October 12, 2007 1:00 p.m.
EMERGEHeadquarters: 1101 West Broadway • Minneapolis, MN 55411
Positions Include:
Cashiers • Shift Managers • Managers • Manager Trainees/Assistant Store Managers
Must bring a government-issued picture ID & Social Security Card
HACC Board of Directors Meeting This Week.
Crime And Safety Meeting : 10/8 @ 7PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Crime and Safety Meeting: Monday, 9/10
Items on this month's agenda include:
* A Crime Update from the Minneapolis Police Departement
* July19th Popsicle Social Review
* National Night Out & Mobile Block Party Review
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Housing and Hawthorne on MPR
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Hawthorne Huddle: Sept. 6
Please join us at the Hawthorne Huddle on Thursday, September 6th, to continue discussion on a timely subject that came out of last month’s Hawthorne Huddle—the changes going on in our public school system.
Education is a fitting topic for this time of year, and we’ll look at what the Minneapolis Public Schools’ North Side Initiative currently is doing to help all students succeed, and then we will hear about the plans that are in place at Nellie Stone Johnson School to help each student have a positive, successful experience this school year.
The Hawthorne Huddle is held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m.
We welcome your ideas and encourage you to participate in this important discussion.
* WELCOME by Ellen Luger
* Safety update, Lt. Mike Sauro, Minneapolis Police Department 4th Precinct
-Dr. Ben Perry, Associate Superintendent for Area A, Minneapolis Public Schools and North Side Destination Excellence Lead
-Mark Bonine, Principal, Nellie Stone Johnson School
-Nicole Randolph, Parent Liaison, Nellie Stone Johnson School
* Next Meeting: Thursday, October 4, 2007
10 Transportation Plan and Streetcars?
October 9
North Regional Library
1315 Lowry Ave. N.
October 10
Communication Workers of America
3521 E Lake St
October 11
Northeast Library
2200 Central Ave. NE
October 16
North Commons Recreation Center
1801 James Ave N
October 17
Lake Nokomis Recreation Center
2401 E Minnehaha Ave
October 23
Martin Luther King Recreation Center
4055 Nicollet Ave. S
October 24
Van Cleve Recreation Center
901 15th Ave. SE
October 25
Bryant Square Recreation Center
3101 Bryant Ave S
The purpose of Access Minneapolis, the city's Ten-Year Transportation Action Plan, is to identify steps that the City and its partner agencies (Metro Transit, Metropolitan Council, Hennepin County, Minnesota Department of Transportation) need to take within the next ten years to improve the city's current transportation system and ready it for continued growth. While the Access Minneapolis plan is based on a long-term (2030) view of transportation needs, it focuses on actions that should be undertaken throughout the city over the next ten years, recognizing that this timeframe is subject to the availability of funds.
The Streetcar Feasibility Study recommends a long-range streetcar system and identifies initial operating segments that might be good short "starter" segments. The Study evaluated fourteen Primary Transit Network corridors to determine if the operation of streetcar in some of those corridors would be physically, operationally and financially feasible. The study addressed capital and operating costs, impacts on transit service, development opportunities, physical constraints, ownership and operation alternatives, maintenance and storage facility locations and funding alternatives.
Upon request, the City will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities or who are in need of a translator at the upcoming meetings. Please submit accommodation requests or requests for additional information to Charleen Zimmer, Project Manager, at 612-673-3166 or Charleen.Zimmer@ci.minneapolis.mn.us at least a week before the meeting.
For more information, visit: www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/public-works/trans-plan.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
National Night Out 2007!
Thanks to everyone who helped to make National Night Out a success in the Hawthorne Neighborhood this year! It was an amazing turnout as residents gathered together in a celebration of community and a desire to see our neighborhood be a safer, happier place to live in!
Hawthorne Area Community Council staff, volunteers and board members were able to learn many exciting things about your vision for the future of our neighborhood, and we're looking forward to helping you achieve that vision!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Hawthorne Newsletter Out
Hawthorne Board Meeting: August 9th
Meet our new Executive Director, Valeng Cha
In the coming months ahead Hawthorne residents will get an opportunity to learn more about him! In the meantime, you can e-mail Valeng at valeng@hawthornecommunity.org
No Crime Prevention and Family Safety Committee Meeting Tonight
Friday, July 27, 2007
Welcome 1101 Back To W. Broadway!
Featuring entertainment by Gospel Soul Productions and the Lundstrum Center for the Performing Arts, the speakers will include Mayor R.T. Rybak, City Council member Don Samuels, City County Federal Credit Union President Dean Nelson, and Emerge Executive Director Mike Wynne. Refreshments will be provided by the new Bean Scene Too, and there will be building tours.
The celebration takes place from 4:00 to 6:00 PM!
Hawthorne Huddle on August 2nd!
Minneapolis ranks as the nation’s number one community for volunteerism. Be a part of the conversation on the importance of volunteers and how your organization or community utilizes volunteers.
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m.
We welcome your ideas and encourage you to participate in this important discussion.
The agenda includes a welcome by Ellen Luger, the regular safety update from Lt. Mike Sauro, Minneapolis Police Department 4th Precinct, and a discussion on Volunteerism with:
-Dan Kelty, Chair, Wise Resource Volunteers of Minneapolis Public Schools
-Robyn Cousin, Head of Minneapolis Public Schools Volunteer Services Department
-Tonya Matthews, Assistant Principal, Nellie Stone Johnson School
-Bryan Thao Worra, Communications Director, Hawthorne Area Community Council
And a discussion of Volunteer Offices & Services of Huddle Attendees.
We hope to see you there!
New Hawthorne Newsletter Out!
West Broadway Alive!
Popsicle Social a hit!
On July 19th at Farview Park, the Hawthorne Area Community Council and the staff, volunteers and friends of Farview Park held a great community outing with the first annual Popsicle Social from 5:30 to 9:00 PM, including free food, popsicles, games and music, as well as a chance to tell our neighbors and city officials what you like about the Hawthorne neighborhood and what changes you'd like to see. Thank you all for making this an amazing success!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
July Hawthorne Huddle
The July Hawthorne Huddle was a success as the community recognized Patrick Henry High School Valedictorian Joua Lee and her parents. You can see her valedictorian address here. She and her family thanked the community for their support.
Bob Milner, John /Baumann, Cynthia Fernandez and Mary Etzioni spoke about National Night Out and it's importance that extends well beyond just one night in the community, particularly encouraging people to knock on the doors of neighbors you haven't met before to encourage them to participate.
Karen Kelley-Ariwoola, Yvonne Cheek, Carol Batsell Benner, Bryan Schafer and Sondra Samuels were on hand to discuss the Youth Violence Prevention Program, while Lt. Mike Sauro of the Minneapolis Police Deprtment 4th Precinct gave everyone a safety update.
The Page Education Foundation also announced that 600 MN students have been awarded Page Grants for the 07-08 academic year, including 104 from the 55411 zip code area who are graduating from North High School or Patrick Henry High School.
Free Northway Community Trust Neighborhood Leadership Training is still available, but spaces are filling up fast for this program on Monday Nights starting July 16th. For more info: www.northwaycom.org or call 612-521-4158.
Jordan New Life's Night at the Apollo will be held at 1922 25th Avenue North on Friday July 27 @ 7PM. For more information call 612-522-8624. It is a retro-themed costume adult charity game night. $7 person, $10 couple.
Free movies for teens will be held every Friday at 7PM at the Capri Theater at 2027 W. Broadway. and free movies for kids and families every Saturday at 3 PM year round.
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School is still accepting applications for next year's 9th grade class at its new school at 2924 4th Avenue South in Minneapolis. www.cristoreytc.org has more information or call 612 276-0140.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Last W. Broadway Alive! Meeting: 7/17
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 17 from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at Shiloh Temple church, 1201 West Broadway Avenue. The meeting format will be an open house with a presentation at 7:00. The focus of the presentation will be on how to implement the vision for West Broadway that’s been developed over the past year. But you will also be able to view and comment on materials that illustrate all of the major recommendations that are being proposed as part of the West Broadway Alive plan.
We’re grateful to North Minneapolis residents and business owners for their active engagement in this planning process. Because of this we are pleased to celebrate its conclusion with food and festivities that include:
Barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs, and other food and beverages
A film of West Broadway street interviews created by Juxtaposition Arts in collaboration with Asian Media Access
Other community-based music and dance
Thank you to Comcast, US Bank, American Iron, Cub Foods, the Bean Scene, the Cookie Cart, and Shiloh Temple for making this possible.
1201 West Broadway is accessible via Metro Transit route 14. The meeting site is wheelchair accessible. If you need other disability related accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter or materials in alternative format, please contact Krista Bergert at 612-673-5015. A Hmong interpreter and free child care will be provided.
Visit http://www.wbalive.info for more information.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Popsicle Social: July 19th!
Hawthorne Huddle to Recognize Joua Lee, July 12th
On July 12th at Farview Park at 7:30, the Hawthorne Area Community Council and the General Mills Foundation will make a special presentation in recognition of the Patrick Henry High School Class of 2007 Valedictorian, Joua Lee, who is a resident of the Hawthorne Area Neighborhood, and her parents Tou Pao Lee and Ka Xiong Lee.
The Hawthorne Huddle will also hear a safety update from Lt. Mike Sauro, Minneapolis Police Department 4th Precinct, and we will then discuss:
National Night Out with Bob Milner, Media Relations/Community Outreach for Crime Prevention SAFE (CCP/SAFE), John Baumann, Manager, CCP/SAFE, Mary Etzioni, Crime Prevention Specialist, Minneapolis Police Department
We will also discuss Youth Violence Prevention, with Mayor R. T. Rybak, Karen Kelley-Ariwoola and Ellen Luger, Steering Committee Co-Chairs.
It is an excellent and exciting opportunity for neighbors and community members to connect and celebrate the diverse events happening in the Hawthorne area neighborhood and Minneapolis. There will be breakfast provided.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Whether you want to close your street or not, there are plenty of reasons to have an NNO event on your block this year:
· Free child ID kits (up to 10)
· Free ride tickets for The Park at MOA (up to 25)
· Vouchers for very low cost Minnesota Twins tickets (20 tickets)
· Free reminder door hangers (as many as you need)
· Free name tags (as many as you need)
· Free coloring sheets (as many as you need)
· Entry into a drawing for additional free door prizes (if you register by July 24)
· If your block is new to NNO, a free start-up kit with party basics (first come, first serve)
By bringing your neighbors together on NNO, you can help create a friendlier, safer place to live!
For more information, go to www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/nno or call John Baumann 612-673-3447.
HACC Announces Interim Executive Director
Bryan Thao Worra is succeeding Tait Danielson Castillo, who served the Hawthorne Area Community Council for 18 months as its executive director. The Hawthorne Area Community Council extends its best wishes and thanks to Tait Danielson Castillo, who will be joining the District 7 Planning Council in Saint Paul as its new executive director in August.
Bryan Thao Worra previously served the Hawthorne Area Community Council as its communications director and will continue to fulfill these functions as well, and will resume his post as communications director following the arrival of the new executive director.
HACC Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday, July 12th
Crime and Safety Committee Meeting Monday, July 9th
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hawthorne Huddle: July 12th, not the 5th
We hope you can join us July 12th!
The agenda will be posted soon, but it will also include a special recognition of Joua Lee, Valedictorian of Patrick Henry High School.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hawthorne Resident Joua Lee '07 Valedictorian
A very special congratulations from the Hawthorne Area Community Council to Hawthorne resident Joua Lee who is this year's Valedictorian at Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis. Her valedictorian speech is here.
Joua Lee has been an outstanding part of the Partrick Heny High School and our community, and we look forward to seeing more from her in the coming years ahead!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Dancing in the Streets For Peace this Friday
Dancing in the Streets for Peace
Please come out and meet your neighbors, enjoy food, games, entertainment and activities.
This Friday!!!
June 22nd
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Corner of 31st and 6th Street North
Monday, June 18, 2007
NMTF Town Hall Meeting this Saturday!
This is a kick-off event for their new campaign to build a community identity for North Minneapolis.
They are inviting you and other community leaders to have your say in this exciting effort and learn how you can be part of a broad-based community input process over the next month.
Other areas in the Twin Cities have created new identities for themselves, such as UpTown, Midtown and “Eat Street.” The community identity process for North Minneapolis stands out from others because it starts with its own residents’ perceptions, not an idea cooked up by a few people in a back room.
They believe that you and other community leaders will be key players in this effort. For more information, contact Jim Wentzell, Northside Marketing Task Force chair, at 651-329-6883 (cell).
Green Team Meeting: This Thursday!
The first meeting of the Green Team will be this Thursday, June 21st at 6:30 PM at Farview Park.
We are looking for anyone in the neighborhood who’s interested in being part of the Hawthorne Eco-Project to develop specific ideas for environmentally-friendly projects.
For more information, contact Georgianna at gyantos2004@yahoo.com or call HACC at(612) 529-6033
Monday, June 04, 2007
HACC Seeks New Executive Director
The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Hawthorne Area Community Council. The Executive Director reports to the board of directors and is responsible for the organization's consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives. The Executive Director will assist the Hawthorne Area Community Council (HACC) and its committees in developing and implementing community based projects, programs and initiatives.
We're seeking to have applications in by June 14th. If you're interested in learning more, contact tdanielson@hawthornecommunity.org or download the information here!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hawthorne Clean Sweep A Success!
On Saturday, May 19th, it was a bright and sunny day as over 20 volunteers from across the Hawthorne Area neighborhood cleaned up the sidewalks and boulevards of our neighborhood. Over 60 bags of garbage from the street were collected and 250 tires were disposed of. (Last year, we collected 450 tires.)
Everyone then gathered at Farview Park for a celebratory lunch and a chance to talk with friends and neighbors.
We appreciate all of your support and we look forward to next year!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
McKnight Gathering In North MPLS
The Hawthorne Area Community Council was represented by executive director Tait Danielson-Castillo, Bryan Thao Worra and Jeff Skrenes.
Nearly a hundred people were in attendance throughout the day, which was productive and informative, with many positive outcomes emerging from the day.
The participants from the Hawthorne Area Community Council thank the McKnight Foundation for organizing this inspiring event, and look forward to the upcoming reports!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Scenes from the May Hawthorne Huddle
Thanks to everyone who came to this month's Hawthorne Huddle at Farview Park in North Minneapolis!
We had a great turnout as over 100 of our residents met with our elected officials and community organizers about problems with predatory lenders and foreclosures in North Minneapolis and across Minnesota. In the coming months ahead, many of the recommendations and suggestions that have emerged from this meeting will be submitted to our elected officials and policy makers.
Our next Hawthorne Huddle will be on June 7th!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Hawthorne Clean Sweep: May 19th
It will be from 8:00 AM to Noon, starting from Farview Park, and we need volunteers!
You can RSVP at: 612-529-6033 or e-mail: bworra@hawthornecommunity.org
We need your help cleaning the boulevards of our neighborhood by picking up trash with our fellow neighbors and to show others that we care about our community and want to get the summer started out right!
We'll even provide breakfast and lunch, thanks to support from General Mills and the City of Minneapolis.
The schedule is:
8:00 Volunteer Sign-In at Farview Park (609 29th Avenue North)
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Clean Sweep
11:00 Lunch
Hawthorne Huddle: May 3 and Predatory Lending
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m.
We welcome your ideas and encourage you to join in this important discussion!
West Broadway Alive Meeting
The meeting will be Tuesday, May 8 from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at 800 West Broadway Avenue at Aldrich and West Broadway (the former Furniture Liquidator and future YWCA).
The meeting format will be an open house with a presentation at 7:00.
The focus will be on strategies for revitalizing the West Broadway commercial core from Girard Ave N to I-94.
Join us any time during the open house to offer your comments on:
* A mock-up of a redesigned West Broadway streetscape
* Redevelopment scenarios on key sites
* Business development strategies
* Recommendations for location and design of public art
Other displays will include future land use and development intensity maps for the entire corridor as well as recommendations from North High students on how to improve safety using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.
800 West Broadway is accessible via Metro Transit route 14. Thank you to Cub Foods for providing parking in the northwest corner of the grocery store parking lot. Refreshments will be available. A Hmong interpreter and free child care will be provided.
The meeting site is wheelchair accessible. If you need other disability related accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter or materials in alternative format, please contact Krista Bergert at 612-673-5015.
Visit http://www.wbalive.info for more information.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Green Team Needs You!
We are looking for anyone in the neighborhood who’s interested in being part of the Hawthorne Eco-Project to develop specific ideas for environmentally-friendly projects.
For more information, contact Georgianna at gyantos2004@yahoo.com or call HACC at(612) 529-6033
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hawthorne Welcomes Jeff Skrenes!
Hawthorne Newsletter Out!
If you haven't received your copy, please send an e-mail to:
bworra@hawthornecommunity.org and we'll send you a
copy right away!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Hawthrone Environment Committee Meeting
Thursday: April 19, 2007
6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Farview Park
621 29th Avenue N. (29th & Lyndale Ave. N.)
G. L. Yantos
Committee Chair
Monday, April 02, 2007
Hawthorne Huddle This Thursday!
We also will have an update on the University of Minnesota’s work in North Minneapolis.
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Want a tree?
"Having a city full of strong, healthy trees does more than just make Minneapolis a more attractive place to call home," said Mayor R.T. Rybak. "They also improve air quality, fight global warming, keep the city cooler, and reduce polluting stormwater runoff. It's a great investment in our community."
"Planting a tree is one of the greatest things a homeowner can do," said City Council Member Paul Ostrow, whose office helps coordinate the City Trees program. "It is an act of stewardship for our neighborhoods, our city, and our planet."
Ordering a tree:
The trees cost $15 each, and are between 6 and 10 feet tall with a 1 ¼-inch trunk. Residents can order one tree per household, and the 1,500 trees will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. Residents can choose from six tree varieties, including birch, oak, pine, serviceberry, hawthorn, and a disease-resistant elm.
Order online by visiting http://www.treetrust.org/ or pick up an order form from your neighborhood group. To order by phone, call 651-644-5800. Trees must be ordered by April 15, and folks will need to pick the trees up at one of two pickup locations and times in late May.
Learn to care for your trees:
Free workshops can help residents learn more about tree planting and care. Learn how to identify insect and disease problems, hazardous trees, and other tree health issues. Workshop dates are:
Thursday, March 29, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Nokomis Recreation Center, 2401 E. Minnehaha Pkwy.
Saturday, March 31, 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., Minneapolis Urban League, 2100 Plymouth Ave. N.
To reserve a place at a workshop, call 651-644-5800.
Minneapolis wants feedback on transportation
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Central Library
300 Nicollet Mall – Doty Room
Thursday, April 12, 2007
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
St. Olaf Catholic Church
215 S. 8th St. – Gathering Room
The Downtown Action Plan is the first part of a four-part citywide transportation planning effort. The other plan elements include: (1) Citywide Ten-Year Transportation Action Plan, (2) Street and Sidewalk Design Guidelines, and (3) Streetcar Feasibility Study. The remaining three plan elements will be discussed at future public meetings – most likely held in May or June. The Downtown Action Plan recommends a system approach to meeting transportation needs in downtown and includes recommended actions for pedestrians, bicycles, transit and automobiles.
The public meetings will include presentations on plan recommendations, followed by a discussion of key plan elements and individual questions. Pre-registration is not required. Folks are encouraged to arrive at the scheduled meeting start time to see the presentations before the discussion, but people are welcome to drop in at any time to view plan maps and talk with project staff.
For more information, please visit: www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/public-works/trans-plan.
Upon request, the City will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities or who are in need of a translator. Please submit such requests or requests for additional information to Charleen Zimmer, Project Manager, at 612-673-3166 or Charleen.Zimmer@ci.minneapolis.mn.us.
ACORN Meeting On Home Ownership
ACORN is a non-profit organization. For more information, contact Esther Walker at 651-293-0008 or ewalker@acornhousing.org
Monday, March 12, 2007
Support for Rain Gardens!

Interested in the environment in Hawthorne? If you’re one of the first 20 people to apply by March 20th, the Hawthorne Area Community Council will pay for your workshops at the acclaimed Minneapolis Blooms Rain Garden Workshops program, which consists of 2 workshops.
The first is on Sat. April 7 at the Olson Middle School (1607 51st Avenue North from 10 AM to Noon. There are native plant
and installation reimbursement grants on a first-come, first-serve basis up to $65.
Residents may receive a Stormwater fee reduction on their water bill if a qualifying rainwater garden is installed in their yard.
For more information:
Call (612) 529-6033x205 for
more details or e-mail:
Hurry, spaces are filling up fast!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Crime and Safety Meeting on Monday, March 12
Monday, March 12
7:00 p.m.
Farview Park
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hawthorne Housing Committee Meeting
A special thanks to everyone who attended our Housing Committee meeting at Farview Park on Wednesday night! It was a very productive meeting, including the opportunity to discuss the upcoming Hawthorne Eco-Village project.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Scenes from the North Regional Library Opening!
HAWTHORNE HUDDLE: Thursday, March 1st
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m.
We hope you can attend and participate in the discussion!
Here are some scenes from the February Hawthorne Huddle:
Library Consolidation Meetings March 1-8
Your opportunity to voice your opinion and concerns to officials from the Minneapolis City Council, Minneapolis Public Library Board of Trustees, Hennepin County Board of Commissioners and the Hennepin County Library Board about this proposed consolidation can happen at one of the following sessions:
Thursday, March 1
7-8:30 p.m.
Walker Library
2880 Hennepin Ave.
Saturday, March 3
10-11:30 a.m.
North Regional Library
1315 Lowry Ave. No.
Monday, March 5
6:30-8 p.m.
Minneapolis Central Library
Doty Board Room
300 Nicollet Mall
Thursday, March 8
7-8:30 p.m.
Nokomis Library
5100 34th Ave. So.
Contact Third Ward Council Member Diane Hofstede
Room 307, 350 South Fifth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415-1383
Phone Number: 612-673-2203 Fax: 612-673-3940 TTY: 612-673-2157
E-mail diane.hofstede@ci.minneapolis.mn.us
Friday, February 02, 2007
North Community High School is looking for volunteer tutors
No experience is needed and training is provided. Volunteers are expected to have strong knowledge of the subject area they tutor. Volunteers can tutor 8:30 to 5:30 M-F.
Interested? Contact Brian Kao at (612) 668-1734 or email Brian.Kao@mpls.k12.mn.us. North High School is located at 1500 James Ave. N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411
Stories at Camden Coffee House
Saturday, March 24, 2007
7-9 p.m.
Camden Coffee Company
Hearing with the Eyes: Perspectives on Deaf Culture.Storyteller: Vicki Joan & Friends
Hosted by Local Storyteller David Zander
Camden Coffee Company is located at: 1500 44th Ave North.
(44th and Humboldt)
For further information contact:
David 612-529-8964 or Philip 612/521-1161
And for your Feb. calendars:
Feb 24, 2007
7-9 p.m.
Camden Coffee Company
Stories in celebration of Black History Month.
Tellers to be confirmed.
Hosted by David Zander
Here are some scenes from the historic reading of Hmong poets and storytellers at the Camden Coffee Company in November, featuring Hmong activist Pacyinz Lyfoung, writer and playwright Ka Vang and Dr. Gary Yia Lee from Australia:
30 Scholarships Totaling $40,000 Available to
Southeast Asian High School Seniors
MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL, January 29, 2007 – A number of people from the local community have come together to administer a national scholarship fund that will award $40,000 to Minnesota Southeast Asian high school seniors.
The Nisei Student Relocation Commemorative (NSRC) Fund is offering approximately 30 scholarships between $1,000 and $2,000 each to first- or second-generation Southeast Asian students from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, or Vietnam.
Candidates must live and attend high school in Minnesota, plan to graduate from high school or receive their GED during the 2006-07 academic year, and be accepted to an accredited program in fall 2007. Accredited programs include vocational and cosmetology schools, colleges and universities.
To obtain a scholarship application or to make a tax-deductible donation to the Minnesota Chapter of the NSRC Fund, visit www.NSRCFund.org or e-mail MNScholarship2007@hotmail.com.
The scholarship application deadline is March 1, 2007, and an awards ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 5, 2007.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Building Blocks Award for Great Block Clubs!
The Minneapolis Police Department is seeking nominations for its annual Building Blocks Awards, which go to the city’s most active and effective block clubs. Minneapolis has a long tradition of strong block clubs that work to prevent crime, connect neighbors, and take on issues in their neighborhoods.
Each honored block club will receive recognition at a public ceremony, Building Blocks Award signs to post on the block, a $100 gift card, and an award of appreciation for each block leader.
For more information.
Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st, 2007
Snow Emergency Information in Somali, Spanish and Hmong
Volunteer Request from North Regional Library
Sarah Russ
Community Connections Facilitator
New Americans Center
612.630.6069 // sruss@mplib.org
Fax 612.630.6060
Friday, January 12, 2007
Job Opening at HACC!
SALARY: $30K to $35K DOE plus benefits TYPE: Full Time DEADLINE: February 9th, 2007
PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:The Hawthorne Area Community Council (HACC) is seeking an individual with strong housing finance and development experience to serve as HACC’s Housing Development Director. This position will work closely with other HACC staff to improve the quality of our residential community.
For a full description, e-mail us at bworra@hawthornecommunity.org