Thursday, October 07, 2010

President Carter: "We've Never Worked in a Nicer Neighborhood" (part 2 of video footage)

Post and videos by Jeff Skrenes, Hawthorne Neighborhood Council Housing Director

There are two things that stand out about these press conference videos. First, President Carter described the view from Farview Park and lauded our historic housing stock, then stated, "We've never worked in a nicer neighborhood than this one." Granted, this could be like a proud parent who tells their child, "I love you all the same," or a rock singer who whispers to his bandmates, "Which city are we in?" before stepping to the mic and declaring Minneapolis to be awesome. Still, Jimmy Carter said that Hawthorne was the nicest neighborhood he's worked in, and we get to brag about that.

Secondly, Carter is not the bragging type. Knowing that the media (and even the community) tends to focus on the star power of an ex-President, he kept on deflecting and asking if there were questions about Habitat or bringing the focus back to our community or Habitat's work. Here's a man we can admire.

Oh, and he said Hawthorne was the best. Did I mention that?

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