A blog from the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council and the Hawthorne Area in North Minneapolis, Minnesota!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour is April 26 & 27
In this celebration of city living and “real homes, real people, real ideas,” residents open their doors to show creative and practical ideas for home additions, kitchens, bathrooms and more. Talk directly with homeowners, and in many cases, their contractors, architects, and other trades people.
To help plan your tour, Home Tour Guides with maps, descriptions of all the homes and special features are available at local libraries in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Hennepin and Ramsey counties.
Guides are also available at all the homes on tour days…decide where to start by going to the website, www.MSPHomeTour.com. On the website is a link to the Minneapolis Telecommunications Network-produced “Home Tour Preview Show” half-hour video.*
The Minneapolis & St. Paul Home Tour is coordinated by Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) with the Planning and Economic Development departments of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and other corporate and non-profit sponsors. For information, call 612-673-5140.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Hawthorne Business Committee: Friday, March 28th at 8:30 AM
Join Us At The Hawthorne Business Committee: Friday, March 28th at 8:30 AM
Johnny A’s, 200 West Broadway Avenue, Minneapolis
Hawthorne has many unique advantages and opportunities for business owners. This committee is chance to network with other businesses about exciting news and opportunities that can help you grow and succeed in our neighborhood.
It’s free and refreshments are served! We’ll be done by 9:30 AM.
Coming up this month on March 28th:
Facade Improvement! If you’ve been thinking of improving and updating your storefront, we have free funds for you! The West Broadway Business Area Coalition is having a special briefing on how we will help businesses like yours access the money and support to improve your business façade. You don’t want to miss this. Your input will make a difference!
Hawthorne Marketing Program: Julie Dappen of the acclaimed MAP For Nonprofits will speak about upcoming efforts to market businesses and economic opportunities in the Hawthorne neighborhood. This is your chance to ask how we can help you.
Hawthorne Business Survey Update: Georgianna Yantos and the Hawthorne Business Committee will provide an update on the new business survey for Hawthorne that will help us all connect and build a thriving, vibrant community together.
Juxtaposition Great Idea Exchange: The Juxtaposition arts non-profit recently requested $500 to help fund the Great Idea Exchange. We will provide you an update on the board decision and what this means for Hawthorne businesses.
You can also help us set the agenda for our next meeting on April 25th!
We hope to see you this month!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
March Environment Committee Meeting Canceled
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What are you priorities for Hawthorne? Be heard!
On Wednesday, January 30, 2008 representatives from the Third Ward Neighborhoods met to discuss our joint successes of the past two years and to determine our priorities in the coming year.
The group consensus was that each neighborhood organization would forward to the Third Ward Office a list of 2-3 priorities for each neighborhood. Please provide me with the neighborhoods priorities by Friday, March 14, 2008 .
The priorities will be discussed at our upcoming meeting, March 31, 2008. If you have any questions please e-mail me at diane.hofstede@ci.minneapolis.mn.us or call me at 612-673-2203.
Thank you for your help and speedy return of this request.
Diane Hofstede Minneapolis City Council – 3rd Ward 350 S 5th Street – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415 diane.hofstede@ci.minneapolis.mn.us 612-673-2203.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Foreclosure and Low-Income Communities Forum!
The Impact of the Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis on Low-Income Communities
With: Mike Vraa, Managing Attorney, Homeline and Greg Finzell, Executive Director, Rondo Community Land Trust
Date & Time: ·Thursday, March 27, 8 to 9:30 a.m.
Location: Dunning Recreation Center 1221 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul
Join Community Shares of Minnesota for the first in a series of community forums we are launching in our 30th anniversary year.
Drawing on the expertise of our nonprofit member organizations, the series is designed to inform and engage the broader community on pressing community issues.
This event is free and open to the public. ·
rsvp to lgilbertson@communitysharesmn.org 651 647-0440 x 201
$25 Tree For Your Yard!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
NRP Legislation Being Introduced
The legislation is being sponsored by Representative Karen Clark and Senator Patricia Torres Rey who were approached by a number of neighborhoods andasked to assist in the preparation of legislation.
The proposed legislation would extend Minneapolis' pre-1979 tax increment financing (TIF) districts for 10 years (through 2019) and allocate the tax increments from these districts to the county, city, and school districts in proportion to their tax rates (thus allowing all these entities to receive revenue), with the city's share to be divided between the City and NRP.
The legislation would also preserve the operation of the NRP Policy Board.
This legislation is consistent with the resolution passed by the NRP Policy Board in December2007 supporting continuation of NRP for another 10 years at a dedicated funding amount of $12 million per year and overseen by an independent governing board.
By extending the TIF districts for another 10 years, the legislation would also make up the approximately $100 million in revenue that was lost when the 2001 legislature adopted tax law changes that greatly reduced the revenues that were originally expected for NRP.
When the legislature passed NRP in 1990, the expectation was that the program would receive $20 million each year from the TIF districts and other revenues over 20 years for a total of $400 million. Because of the 2001 tax changes, revenues to NRP have been about $300 million. This is $100 million less than the amount originally committed.
Extending the TIF districts through 2009 would complete the original commitment to residents that were made when NRP was enacted.
This is important legislation that will preserve the operation of a program that has been a model of citizen participation and neighborhood revitalization. During the 18 years that NRP has been in existence, it has invested in and improved the City's housing stock and infrastructure,leveraged over $1 billion in other private and public investments in the City, and has activated thousands of volunteers to improve neighborhoods inways unique to each neighborhood.
NRP really has been an urban success story and has been held up as a model across the country for citizen engagement and empowerment.
Investments in neighborhoods, however, still continue to be needed.
The number of mortgage foreclosures in Minneapolis is only one indicator of the need for continued attention to neighborhood revitalization. This legislation will help continue this successful program.
But we need your help to make this happen. Hawthorne has been writen, urged to write and call your state senator and representative to support this legislation and to contact your County Board representative to support the legislation. The County support of this legislation is also very important.
For additional information:
Beverly Conerton
NRP Policy Board Representative
Revitalization Neighborhoods
(612) 721-2996
Monday, March 10, 2008
4th Annual Community Garden Spring Resource Fair
The Fourth Annual Community Garden Spring Resource Fair
Saturday March 29th, 9:00am – 2:30pm
First Christian Church, 2201 First Avenue South, Minneapolis
Free Parking & $2 Suggested Donation at Door
Will Allen from Growing Power (www.growingpower.org) in Milwaukee is kicking off the Spring Resource Fair, highlighting his organization’s innovative work on bridging cultures through gardening.
Activities for the kids, workshops, and engaging educational displays during the day. Raffle prizes, music and food top off the fun!
Details and directions at www.gardenworksMN.org or call GardenWorks at 612-278-7123. Come see what community gardening resources are available for you!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
March 8th Housing Committee Agenda
I. Welcome and introductions (7:00 – 7:05)
II. Approval of February minutes and March agenda (7:05 – 7:10)
III. Staff update: Citimortgage lawsuit (7:10 – 7:15)
IV. Presentation/discussion re: 2326 Lyndale Ave N (7:15 – 8:00)
V. Presentation/discussion re: Phase III of EcoVillage (8:00 – 8:50)
VI. Agenda items for next meeting (8:50 – 8:55)
VII. Adjourn
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 7:00 p.m. at Farview
HACC Changing Name To Hawthorne Neighborhood Council

The Hawthorne Area Community Council has officially filed to rename itself the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council to better reflect the activities, programs and scope of services we provide to the Hawthorne neighborhood of North Minneapolis.
We will still retain the same contact information as before in terms of phone numbers, e-mail, websites and physical street address, and we will still continue to provide the community the same high level of service and commitment you’ve come to expect as we work together to meet the physical, cultural, social, and economic needs of our community as we have over the 3 decades.
As a neighborhood, Hawthorne is bounded to the north by Lowry Avenue, to the east by the Mississippi River, to the south by Broadway Avenue and to west by Emerson Avenue.

We’re 6,000+ residents strong, thanks to you, with unique strengths and many exciting opportunities!
We look forward to working with you to keep change happening!
Hawthorne Takes On Predatory Lenders!
The suit would hold lenders responsible for careless loans- in this case the dispute is specifically in regards to the property at 415 31st Ave. N. which is an undisputed eyesore attracting graffiti and numerous 911 calls.
It has diminished property values for our fellow residents and many of you have told us you feel the poor conditions of the house put the overall safety of the neighborhood at risk, and it was time to hold people accountable!
While the success of this lawsuit is not guaranteed, it is part of our ongoing effort to combat predatory lending and foreclosures in the Hawthorne neighborhood and we will keep you up to date as the lawsuit progresses!
For more information contact jskrenes@hawthornecommunity.org or
call us at (612) 529-6033.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Hawthorne Newsletter Out!
North Housing & Home Improvement Fair: March 15th

This is your one-stop shop for how-to seminars, talk with contractors about home improvement and remodeling, resources for prospective home buyers, financial resources and education, resources for home improvement and maintenance, refinancing, and preventing equity stripping.
There will also be special financing offers for those living in the Hawthorne neighborhood and others!
For more information, visit www.Northhousingfair.com or contact Debbie at (612) 588-1155.
This event has been brought to you by the Center for Energy and Environment, Minneapolis Public Schools Community Education, Otogawa-Anschel, Minneapolis City of Lakes, Orfield Construction, Northway Community Trust, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, NRP and Wells Fargo!
Be sure to visit the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council as well!
Hawthorne Huddle This Thursday!
Please join us at the Hawthorne Huddle on Thursday, March 6, when Mayor R. T. Rybak will present the Blueprint for Action: Preventing Youth Violence in Minneapolis, the goal of which is to significantly reduce and prevent youth violence in our city.
The Youth Violence Prevention Steering Committee created the Blueprint after much research into best practices as well as discussions with Minneapolis youth, consultations with national experts and others to understand the complex issues facing the youth in our community.
Please join us to learn how you can become involved in this effort to help direct youth in a more positive direction.
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at Farview Park, located at 621 29th Avenue North. A continental breakfast will be available at 7:15 a.m. We hope you can attend and participate in this important discussion!
*WELCOME Ellen Luger
*Safety update Representative of MPD 4th Precinct
* The Honorable R. T. Rybak, Mayor, City of Minneapolis
* Larry Burgess, Director, Student Support Services, Minneapolis Public Schools
* Mary LaGuard, Vice President, Little Earth of United Tribes Community (invited)